went through faiz's blog. Found this interesting link http://quizbox.com/ on personality test. sorry faiz..copycat jap :P Some are true..some are not. U tell me
Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Tribute To Brad

When I was 9 or so…Bradley Barron Renfro was the guy ive been crazzzzzyyyyy about. Whenever Ira and I went to the Tower Records in Shibuya I would always buy those American magazines so that I could get his posters. Ira and I would sleep on the bunk bed and I would always be on the top. So I pasted his posters on the ceiling so that every time I wake up I would see his adorable adorable face. Nyummyyyyy. How ever as he grew older he got..well a bit unattractive. And early last year I heard the news of his demise (drug overdose..typical typical). RIP

Little Brad (1994)

The cutest! (1995)

Saturday, February 21, 2009
My Dream
Im taking a break from writing a new entry on my family...u just wait Ira ;)
I'll be leaving UUM in about 2months. And only be graduating march next year. During high school, i never knew what i wanted to do in life. I just go with the flow. Even when i was to choose which course i wanted for my bach degree, i had no idea of what suits me best. And finally i chose Int'l Affairs management. And i NEVER had any idea that it was intertwine with politics. The first class i attended the lecturer asked why we chose Intaff. Many said that it was their last choice (it was my first choice)..and many also said that they want to be a successful politicians.(ppphhhtttt).And i was like "why is everyone talking about POLITICS????" ....deng deng denggg...im screwed!!. The 2nd last thing that i wanted to do was POLITICS. The last thing was Accounting. But its ok...if i never took this subject i wouldnt have made news as my priority in life. Living w/o reading the daily news is like ur missing one major thing in life. I cant stand people not having the initiative to actually watch or read the news. sangat la kasihen deh lo.
Anyway...with me graduating soon and with the eco recession we're facing i am bloody scared that i wont be able to secure a job. No i will not be picky. Anything that comes my way ill just grab it. I have always wanted to be a diplomat. To be a diplomat u must be a PTD first. To be a PTD is not that easy. They'll only pick the best among the best. And i dont think im that competitive enough. I am not that confident. euurrrghhh. God plssss help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So..if i dont get a job either in the gov or private sector, i think ill just further my study. Really want to take up Strategic study. My aim....to satisfy myself and to make mama and papa happy.
I'll be leaving UUM in about 2months. And only be graduating march next year. During high school, i never knew what i wanted to do in life. I just go with the flow. Even when i was to choose which course i wanted for my bach degree, i had no idea of what suits me best. And finally i chose Int'l Affairs management. And i NEVER had any idea that it was intertwine with politics. The first class i attended the lecturer asked why we chose Intaff. Many said that it was their last choice (it was my first choice)..and many also said that they want to be a successful politicians.(ppphhhtttt).And i was like "why is everyone talking about POLITICS????" ....deng deng denggg...im screwed!!. The 2nd last thing that i wanted to do was POLITICS. The last thing was Accounting. But its ok...if i never took this subject i wouldnt have made news as my priority in life. Living w/o reading the daily news is like ur missing one major thing in life. I cant stand people not having the initiative to actually watch or read the news. sangat la kasihen deh lo.
Anyway...with me graduating soon and with the eco recession we're facing i am bloody scared that i wont be able to secure a job. No i will not be picky. Anything that comes my way ill just grab it. I have always wanted to be a diplomat. To be a diplomat u must be a PTD first. To be a PTD is not that easy. They'll only pick the best among the best. And i dont think im that competitive enough. I am not that confident. euurrrghhh. God plssss help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So..if i dont get a job either in the gov or private sector, i think ill just further my study. Really want to take up Strategic study. My aim....to satisfy myself and to make mama and papa happy.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Kuzi+Roti Jala plssssssss
If I were to compare my schedule during my year in matriculation and my schedule now, definitely the schedule during matrix was wayyyyyy hectic. Classes from 8am till 4pm. Just one hour recess from 1-2pm. 5days a week. But somehow, I get tired easily here in UUM. I think its because of the humid weather and the walking. I remembered how my dad forced me into matriculation. It was awful. I promised guy A that no matter what I won’t enroll for matrix. My plan was to go for UITM and to take banking. So when I had to abide by my dad’s decision, he was quite devastated and pissed. He was away for 3months to serve for the national service. By the time he comes home I wont be around so yea, that’s prolly the reason why. The first few months were hell. Being apart from family, being independent was hard. Yes I cried. I was homesick sampai demam. I remembered Guy A’s mom called me. Always giving me advices and support. And yes of course the person I can’t live without, MAMA would always give advices. She knew I was struggling. But even after several months I would still cry once in a while. Oh god…..it was just too hard for me. I told myself how am I ever gonna do 2 things at the same time? Study and at the same time manage myself (laundry). YES! Laundry je kot….LOL but during that period it felt really hard. It put pressure on me as I did not like the environment. Everything needs to be done in a fast pace. If ur lagging behind then ur at loss. Concentration is really vital. And I hate it as Guy A would always push me to go to KL during weekends. There will always be fights. I hate it how he doesn’t understand my situation. That’s the differences between org yang berpelajaran dgn org yang tidak. When he got into college only then he understood. And during that moment I was the one who would pressure him. PADAN MUKA. Most of the kids are top scorers in high school. The lecturers would usually ask how many A’s we scored during SPM. I felt like I was the most stupid person among them. But at the end of the semester I realized that even students who scored 1A managed to score 4.00 and there are several students who scored 9As but got below than 2.50. Kena dismissed pon ade jugak. So yea…SPM doesn’t guarantee anything pon . Just admission to pre-uni. The only fun part of matrix is that u get rm1k per semester. So rm2k it is! for freeeeeeeee~!!!
This one guy made a remark about my tummy. Dia kata buncit. DAnnggggg. So I told myself I have to start jogging. Was supposed to jog with Faiz today. But we decided to go for cycling instead because ifa wanted to tag along but she didn’t have any sneakers. Told her to borrow from the girls but she’s like size 8/9 so it was hard. Huhuhu…OMG..pain pain painnnnnnn…
I miss Kelantan. Haven’t been there for nearly 2years. I miss the food..the people..the shisha.. Tiba2 rindu gila kuzi+roti jala. I miss Guy A's mom's kuzi. Her cooking is the bomb. I cant seem to find the kuzi recipe she gave me...bummer. Next journey--- KUBANG KERIAN, KOTA BHARU, KELATE.(Sedo's).
This one guy made a remark about my tummy. Dia kata buncit. DAnnggggg. So I told myself I have to start jogging. Was supposed to jog with Faiz today. But we decided to go for cycling instead because ifa wanted to tag along but she didn’t have any sneakers. Told her to borrow from the girls but she’s like size 8/9 so it was hard. Huhuhu…OMG..pain pain painnnnnnn…
I miss Kelantan. Haven’t been there for nearly 2years. I miss the food..the people..the shisha.. Tiba2 rindu gila kuzi+roti jala. I miss Guy A's mom's kuzi. Her cooking is the bomb. I cant seem to find the kuzi recipe she gave me...bummer. Next journey--- KUBANG KERIAN, KOTA BHARU, KELATE.(Sedo's).
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Characteristics of my DREAM Hubby
So here are some of the characteristics of my dream hubby. And when i say 'dream', you dont expect the guy to be real right...dream doang koqqqqq~!! :)
1)-Must have a face like Gunawan.
Thats rite...i'd go for Asians. Not the badminton player Gunawan! The Hikmah Gunawan.
Very Sophisticated looking man with glasses. Ganteng~!
2)-Must never consume rice!!
I dont eat rice, i despise rice, so yea, a guy who loves rice is the last person that i would want to marry to:P. Call me crazy but thats just me. Cant live with it.
3)-Football hater
Don't u think once guys are into football they get very obsessed? ahhh..wouldnt it be nice seeing ur hubby not watching football and just spend the whole day with you? Yes i know that is very unlikely! As i said..this is only a dream hubby.
4)-Bear huggable
You dont need to have six pacts. You just gotta be huggable coz ill be needing that hugs every single minute. So a body like Bam Samsons would be nice...agagagag
I need a guy who doesnt pretend in what ever he does. A guy who acts naturally.
A guy who is actually being himself. A guy who can fart-burp fart-burp all he wants in front of me without going to the bathroom to do so. Make it more interesting if he is willing to burp-compete me. eheheheh
6)-Hooka Partner
The guy doesnt have to smoke shisha to be my hooka partner. He just needs to accompany me when ever i date Mr. Hooka. I will love u till the end :)
1)-Must have a face like Gunawan.
Thats rite...i'd go for Asians. Not the badminton player Gunawan! The Hikmah Gunawan.
Very Sophisticated looking man with glasses. Ganteng~!
2)-Must never consume rice!!
I dont eat rice, i despise rice, so yea, a guy who loves rice is the last person that i would want to marry to:P. Call me crazy but thats just me. Cant live with it.
3)-Football hater
Don't u think once guys are into football they get very obsessed? ahhh..wouldnt it be nice seeing ur hubby not watching football and just spend the whole day with you? Yes i know that is very unlikely! As i said..this is only a dream hubby.
4)-Bear huggable
You dont need to have six pacts. You just gotta be huggable coz ill be needing that hugs every single minute. So a body like Bam Samsons would be nice...agagagag
I need a guy who doesnt pretend in what ever he does. A guy who acts naturally.
A guy who is actually being himself. A guy who can fart-burp fart-burp all he wants in front of me without going to the bathroom to do so. Make it more interesting if he is willing to burp-compete me. eheheheh
6)-Hooka Partner
The guy doesnt have to smoke shisha to be my hooka partner. He just needs to accompany me when ever i date Mr. Hooka. I will love u till the end :)
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