Sunday, November 28, 2010

More to Come

Semakin hari semakin byk rezeki Allah berikan. Syukur alhamdulillah.
I found out that i also got accepted into UM to undergo my masters degree in Msian History for the January intake. Very contemplating as i wlll start working with Maybank in January. The thing im worried about is that i might not be able to cope with both study and career.
Ada org kata kita tak boleh tamak. Pilih je salah satu. Mcm sayang je nak lepaskan peluang belaja. Tp bila2 masa boleh belaja kan. But my...have to wait a year to finally get this dream job. Please permudahkan jalan. Amin :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Everyone deserves a 2nd chance but never a 3rd! So ive tried given u a 2nd but u just ignored it. So im gone. END

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sujud Syukur

Finally, i can put an actual smile on my face. The one thing ive been hoping for since a year ago. Not a new love. But a career! 16/11/2010 marks one year of working since graduating from university. Even though im no jobless, but i was never content with my current job. Have always been searching for a job, a job that is stable enough, a job of my interest. And finally today, Allah SWT has answered my prayers. Alhamdulillah. The long wait was worth it. Now i know that we have to be patient to get what we mostly hope for. Only god knows how hard it was, how depressing it was to wait for it to come by.
Recieved a call this afternoon. And i knew it was her. And when she uttered the word 'congratulation', i felt sooooooo grateful. The first person I called was of course mama. She has helped me through out these years, always been there for me. But i couldnt reached her. So i called the 2nd important person that is papa. He was happy. Then mama called me bck. I told her the great news. And of course she was happy. 3rd person was him. He has been giving me strength. Putting me back on my feet. Thank You. I really felt like breaking down. In a good way when i talked to mama. The feeling was just so great. Only god knows.
When i got home, I did sujud syukur. Dont really know what ur supposed to recite, but i just did it. And OMG, mmg terasa btul2 syahdu. I cried. I did. Betapa bersyukur nya after what ive through.
Hopefully this job suits me well. I just hope that im happy with it. Since high school ive always wanted to work in a bank despite not being fond of accounting. But what ever. And now i finally got a job thats exactly in the banking industry. Maybank some more :) apa2 pon, im very grateful, very blessed, syukur alhamdulillah.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Menunggu....berdebar.....excited.....worried. 3 hari lagi dan semuanya akan terjawab. dup dap dup dap

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tidak Diduga

Had been wanting to write about this entry few months back but just haven't had the time to. Anyway, anyone who takes the public transport will experience all sorts of weird things happening, meet weird ppl, things or ppl u never imagine would even exists. There's this one morning when i took the rapid bus to go to work. There was a bunch of normal looking school kids who took the same bus. Boys & girls. When we got to this one stop, two man from the rapid bus rode the bus. They were doing inspection on all the commuters to see whether they have valid tickets. When they got to these students, these students didnt had any. Kena sound tepek.
Kenapa perlu berperangai mcm ni? Kecik2 dh pandai menipu. Nanti bila dh besar, tak tau plak mcm mana kan. Luaran dh molek..bertudung, muka decent. Tp hakikatnya? Hanya Allah yang tau.