Sunday, April 26, 2009
Siva will always be Siva
I just love that lil dude of mine. Had brunch the other day with mr i-want-to-be-indonesian(anand). Everything went well. I got the old anand back. Irwan, my ex-kmpk class mate joined us. I swear we were so loud. As u know anand. Anyway, he told me he has covered everything for intl political eco paper which will be on the 5th coz he wants to go clubbing in Danok. Clubbing in Danok? For real? There prolly wont be any chicks except for a bunch of fags. I told him what if the place was bombed? His answer was : "Takpe la aku mati silap mati syawat la". And would want uum's flag to cover his coffin. STupidddooooo. HEeheheh..thats anand. And he started imitating Russell Peters on obscene jokes. Talking about dicks while i was enjoying my food. Appetizer perhaps?
Friday, April 24, 2009
Alhamdulillah. Sat beside him yesterday during exam. On my mind *such a handsome dude* & *oh god i miss him*. But felt awkward. Didnt say a word. But today am having a brunch with him. Im so gayyyyyyyyyy :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Za..i ciplak this one from u...and i cant agree more. It is a nice quote :)
Love is like a garden. It is seasonal.
Spring time is when you fall in love.
Summer requires a lot of effort.
Fall is a time of generosity and fulfillment.
Winter is when the emptiness sets in.
To be successful in a relationship we must accept and understand the different seasons of love.
Be realistic.
Give yourself permission to keep making mistakes.
Remember, men are from Mars and women are from Venus.
Relax and keep on making mistakes until u come to a right one :)
Love is like a garden. It is seasonal.
Spring time is when you fall in love.
Summer requires a lot of effort.
Fall is a time of generosity and fulfillment.
Winter is when the emptiness sets in.
To be successful in a relationship we must accept and understand the different seasons of love.
Be realistic.
Give yourself permission to keep making mistakes.
Remember, men are from Mars and women are from Venus.
Relax and keep on making mistakes until u come to a right one :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
If u love someone...
If you love someone,
Set her free...
If she comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, she never was.....
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she ever comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, as expected, she never was
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
Don't worry, she will come back.
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she ever comes back, ask her why.
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she doesn't come back within some time forget her.
If you love someone, Set her free ...
If she doesn't come back,
continue to wait until she comes back ...
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she comes back, and if you love her still,
set her free again, repeat ....
C++ Programmer:
if(you-love( m_she))
if(m_she == NULL)
m_she = new CShe;
Animal-Rights Activist:
If you love someone,
Set her free,
In fact, all living creatures deserve to be free!!
If you love someone,
Set her free,
Clause 1a of Paragraph 13a-1 in the Second
Amendment of the Matrimonial Freedom
Biologist :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
She'll evolve.
Statisticians :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she loves you, the probability of her coming
back is high
If she doesn't, your relation was improbable
Schwarzenegger' s fans:
If you love someone,
Set her free,
Ove r possessive person :
If you love someone
don't set her free.
If you love someone set her free instantaneously
and look for others simultaneously
Psychologist :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back her super ego is dominant
If she doesn't come back her id is supreme
If she doesn't go, she must be crazy.
Somnabulist :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back it's a nightmare
If she doesn't, you must be dreaming.
ERP functional expert :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back, map her into your system
If she doesn't, carry out a gap-fit analysis
Finance expert :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back, its time to look for fresh loans
If she doesn't, write her off as an asset gone bad.
Marketing Specialist :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back she has brand loyalty
If she doesn't, reposition the brand in new market
If you love someone,
Set her free...
If she comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, she never was.....
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she ever comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, as expected, she never was
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
Don't worry, she will come back.
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she ever comes back, ask her why.
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she doesn't come back within some time forget her.
If you love someone, Set her free ...
If she doesn't come back,
continue to wait until she comes back ...
If you love someone,
Set her free ...
If she comes back, and if you love her still,
set her free again, repeat ....
C++ Programmer:
if(you-love( m_she))
if(m_she == NULL)
m_she = new CShe;
Animal-Rights Activist:
If you love someone,
Set her free,
In fact, all living creatures deserve to be free!!
If you love someone,
Set her free,
Clause 1a of Paragraph 13a-1 in the Second
Amendment of the Matrimonial Freedom
Biologist :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
She'll evolve.
Statisticians :
If you love someone,
Set her free,
If she loves you, the probability of her coming
back is high
If she doesn't, your relation was improbable
Schwarzenegger' s fans:
If you love someone,
Set her free,
Ove r possessive person :
If you love someone
don't set her free.
If you love someone set her free instantaneously
and look for others simultaneously
Psychologist :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back her super ego is dominant
If she doesn't come back her id is supreme
If she doesn't go, she must be crazy.
Somnabulist :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back it's a nightmare
If she doesn't, you must be dreaming.
ERP functional expert :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back, map her into your system
If she doesn't, carry out a gap-fit analysis
Finance expert :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back, its time to look for fresh loans
If she doesn't, write her off as an asset gone bad.
Marketing Specialist :
If you love someone
set her free
If she comes back she has brand loyalty
If she doesn't, reposition the brand in new market
U'll be missed
This is just too sad. A year ago on 20th April 2008 we all had the shocked of our lives when Rowena an ex-schoolmate of mine told us about the demise of Puan Jun due to heart attack. Puan Jun was our school teacher in SMK Convent Sentul. I first got to know her when i was 14, 2nd former. If i was not mistaken she was a practical teacher/fresh graduate back then. She taught us science but later biology. Anyway, it was a great loss for us as she was a great person. I remembered she likes to talk about her family a lot. And we enjoyed it very much. Has a cute bro around our age :). She was only 29 when she passed away. Got married right after we finished high school. Has a a pair of twins. Girls. Barely 2yrs old. She is a twin herself. I just cant imagine her girls growing up without her presence. Its just too sad.
Semoga rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yang beriman.
Semoga rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yang beriman.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I might burst. Too much to take into account. But i do appreciate all of ur comments. Trying not to be influenced. But Ada...u feel me. I cant agree more with u. Tq for being there. I love u sweetum.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Yes i took the risk. And no i did not succeed. The end justify the means. It may not turned out the way i expected...but in some certain aspect..i was pretty much content. I did managed to erase all the feelings i had for u now didnt i? :)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Pls pls plssssss
UIL(university industry link)/pusat practicum called the other day. Asked if i was interested to do my practical training at Airgate Media Technologies Sdn Bhd. Told me i had to attend an interview at uil. When i came there were only 4 of us including me. They decided not to have the interview as it will only burden the company. There were a list of 300 people. 8 people confirmed they would make it. However only 4 people showed up. The company wants 5 interns. Instead of interview, they told us to make our own vid resume. Oh god...i dont usually hope for things...but i do hope for this opportunity. Its just too perfect. Most of the people have already got their placement for practical training. Me and fety havent. Sangat worried. Ya Allah tolong la permudahkan.....
While in UIL, we talked with this kakak who works there. Such a pleasant person. Which is hard to find for a person who works in UIL.(most are kereks). Anyway she was a former UUM student. Class of 2008 kot. Told us its very hectic to find places for students to do their internship. She was once encountered with UEM. They asked for 2 interns with minimum cgpa of 3.33. So she managed to find 2 students who's grade are high...kira pointer sgt cantek la. UEM made a phone interview with these two people. tup tup tuppppp......they called her back. They said..."we'll just find othe runiversity students. Their english is really bad". Of course she was humiliated. From her experience...students with high pointer cant really talk. She prefers students with grades that range from 2.80-3 cukup2 makan. Said these people can talk better than top scorer. Emmmmm..i dunno. But perhaps. She also said that companies also may not want smart gila smart students as their intern. They will either feel inferior/undermine these ppl of not being able to do work efficiently. There's this one company i think yamaguchi(if im not mistaken) gives rm2500 for interns. How lucky. *sigh*
All the best to myself. smileeeeeeeee
While in UIL, we talked with this kakak who works there. Such a pleasant person. Which is hard to find for a person who works in UIL.(most are kereks). Anyway she was a former UUM student. Class of 2008 kot. Told us its very hectic to find places for students to do their internship. She was once encountered with UEM. They asked for 2 interns with minimum cgpa of 3.33. So she managed to find 2 students who's grade are high...kira pointer sgt cantek la. UEM made a phone interview with these two people. tup tup tuppppp......they called her back. They said..."we'll just find othe runiversity students. Their english is really bad". Of course she was humiliated. From her experience...students with high pointer cant really talk. She prefers students with grades that range from 2.80-3 cukup2 makan. Said these people can talk better than top scorer. Emmmmm..i dunno. But perhaps. She also said that companies also may not want smart gila smart students as their intern. They will either feel inferior/undermine these ppl of not being able to do work efficiently. There's this one company i think yamaguchi(if im not mistaken) gives rm2500 for interns. How lucky. *sigh*
All the best to myself. smileeeeeeeee
Im still hoping...ive got less than 3weeks to sort things out. Will do what ever it takes. I need u people's help.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Ding Dong
Received a text msg from Muhyiddin Mohammed.
hi ru?jgn pening2 ek..mkn minum jaga!
rambut xpyh potong la..huhu..big hugs!!
ehehehe..why is everyone so worried? Relax..ive been in a tougher situation.
But so sweet of u mumu. Thanks alot.
hi ru?jgn pening2 ek..mkn minum jaga!
rambut xpyh potong la..huhu..big hugs!!
ehehehe..why is everyone so worried? Relax..ive been in a tougher situation.
But so sweet of u mumu. Thanks alot.

Finally….i had a date with Mr Hooka. And im pretty much content. Went to Alor Star with Muncit(paly),sedo,fety and ipah. It was prolly our last outing as a student. I had a great time. Gonna miss all the fun time together.
Ipah became the main target. She’s still not over her x-bf(jerk ass). It’s a love hate story for her. Anyway..they bombarded her with many Qs…lasty she erupted. She’s pissed that he had given hopes to her. Some more she claimed that she lost her x-bf of 6yrs just because of this jerk . This jerk happens to be sedo’s roomie. So I told her that was her choice…cant blame this guy entirely. The others were like ‘relax la…irna lagi byk harapan org tu tetap cool’. I would be lying if I said that it didn’t hurt. Who wouldn’t be hurt? But its how u handle the problem. Don’t think about it too much. Let it go. The boys as always will try to influence my mind. But I go for what I believe. People will always keep on talking…and You..well u have to keep on nodding as if u conceded.
Sedo was being papa-juwi towards ipah. She retaliated by asking this one big Q. THEY actually asked sedo if sedo likes me. What the fudge??? Ok so it wasn’t only sedo who was being attacked. I just played along je. When people take it on u…just play along. Right? I admit sedo and I are close. But I take him(him too) as a friend. He’s like a pengganti for anand. Tak kesah la org nak ckp ape. Why I like befriending sedo:
1) He’s not one of those typical malay guys who are gatal gile mengenyam.
2) He’s not murahan.
3) I consider him as a gentleman(never have I heard him condemning his x-gf who cheated on him before).
4) He gives good advices.
5) Never take advantages.
6)He listens to my problems.
7) Not stingy.
8)Not a typical kelantanese.
9)Always on a happy2 mode(can tease him all u want and he will always smile/laugh)
10) Condemns me all the time.
11) Smart
Anyway, I cherish friendship. Wonderful friends are for eternity. Same goes to Boyfriend..but only if ur a wonderful one. Smileeeeeee
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Person who wouldnt mind being called 'keling'
Its very rare to see me LMAO these days. Without the presence of this one truly special person in my open diary, my life isnt that colorful. He's the only person in campus of which i know that can make me pee in my pants. I have to admit that i do miss him...miss him crackin' stupid jokes, horny jokes, condemning people, giving advices, etc. If only he knew what ive been through, what im facing this exact moment. Anand has always been there thru thick and thin. He's a wonderful caring person even though at times(well most of time) he gets on my nerves. Condemn me all u want if that will bring u back to US. Yes US. Ever since our friendship went from bad to worst, he no longer hangs out with the others. And im sorry to u guys that this has to this right moment when we all will be leaving UUM in less
than a month.
than a month.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Perlu kamu..Ingin Kamu..Mau Kamu
Friday, April 10, 2009
Mad Dog

Mad Dog...a name our baby bro, Adi gave to Ira when he was little. Talked on the phone with her last night...talked about the kids in school...the teachers(gossip lovers) training...future...emmmm..i do hope she'll survive for the next 7weeks. She's got a bright future ahead of her. Internship with ELS for 3months..good pay..2yrs contract with ELS..even a better pay. Sometimes i wish i was her...she knows exactly her passion..what she wants to do in life..unlike me. Not that i dont...but still unclear. Anyway..hopefully everything will turn out well for her. Papa and mama plsssss dont hamper her plan. Guiding is good...but dont force her to do what she doesnt want to. Working with the government is indeed a secured job...but i think gaining experience first from private entities is good. Chances doesnt come that often. She's so worried papa wont be her guarantor. While unwilling to let Ira live by herself. She's so afraid that Ira wont be able to take care of herself. I agree on that one. I'll be home for good by next month after spending 4yrs living apart form the family...i do hope ira would be around. To be united. I miss breaking fast with the family the most.
Budak Kelantan?

The title sounds ridiculous..what more the movie. A low budget movie. Danny was cute as always...Bienda was beautiful as always. The rape scene creeps me out. U can never separate rape/sex with kelantanese..isk isk isk. I couldnt agree more with Ira. It is a stupid stupid movie...but better than zombie kpg pisang ape ntah. The story line isnt that clear,....i still cant figure out why danny was willing to give up his gf for that beast.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Forgive n Forget
It was 2 years ago during my 1st year in uni. I was facing one of the toughest moment in life. I had been accused of having sex in the toilet. Hamba Allah mana ntah yang sesuka hati membuat fitnah. But i have this feeling that it was one of the cleaning lady, makcik M as she was the only cleaning lady that was in charge of my level's toilet. It was on Saturday when the incident happened. I was from KL and had to go back early as i had to attend bagpipe class. There were few students then. Reached Kl at 3am and went to the class at 10am. The incident occurred around 11am. Meaning i wasnt in college during that period. The cleaning lady report it to the principal and unfortunately told practically all the seniors what she saw..and who she thought it was. "budak bilik 115, mcm cina, rambut panjang". Dan semestinya bukan ifa(she was my roommate then). This one senior whom ifa was closed to told her "klo nak pilih kawan tu pilih la yang baik2".(its funny and stupid how this kind of ppl can give advice to others while she herself sleeps around with her boyfriend) She told ifa everything about what the cleaning lady told her. Ifa was perplexed as she knew i wasnt around college during that time. So she told me. I was soooooooooooo frustrated, scared, etc. YES they say if ur not guilty why be scared? ohhhh..u should walk a mile in my shoes then only ull know.
After few days i received a letter from the office summoning me to see the principal. So i did. Guess what....she told me to confess!! What was there to confess...i did no wrong. She ask if i had a boyfriend. I told her yes,...but he was in UITM dungun(the guy's number plate started with a 'K'). And she said "who knows..u might have done it with some other guy". What do u think im a whore???? Sangat kurang ajar. She asked if i pray, if i wear tudung. What does that have to do with the issue? Even if u do wear tudung, if u want to sleep around, u will do it. It wont hamper ur desire. Correct? She told me one of the cleaning lady told her and she will believe the cleaning lady more as she's been working for years at the college.(kunun la org tua tak menipu, but does she know that org tua kdg2 rabun?)
The principal and the ppl from the office came over my room the next day. Checked everything. So i let them. I had nothing to hide anyway. Thank god my sejadah was lying on the floor. They made a sarcastic remark "ni solat dari tadi subuh ke?"(i dont usually fold my telekung..DULU.)
I seriously couldnt stand it. The rumors had been spread all over. Seniors would look oddly towards me. I was so scared that it would spread to the boys(laki sini mulot mcm P*ki Ayam). I finally went to see my mentor Dr Yati. She told me to write a letter to the principal stating the chronology of what i did on that day..and state the people who were with me as witnesses. I even asked for my bagpipe lecturer for his signature as a proof of my presence during that class. And since then i never heard anything about the case. They finally shut up. Before i sent the letter, i already told the principal that i wanted to write a letter to her. And she said "klo kamu tak bersalah knp harus kamu defend diri?" OHHH MYYY GODDD,....ive been accused of things i didnt do...and she's telling me that i shouldnt defend myself? Dr Yati also adviced me to make acquaintance with the cleaning ladies, therefore they will get to know me better. Maybe part of it was my fault because i wasnt that close to them.
But guess what? i am now bonding with makcik M. During the incident i confronted her. I asked if she was the one who thought the 'ghaib girl' was me? she denied. I can see from her eyes that she was scared. Nvm..i forgive her. Recently she was having a tummy ache. Gave her my remaining medicine from my tummy ache i had few weeks ago. Dia bagi api..kita bagi air..
After few days i received a letter from the office summoning me to see the principal. So i did. Guess what....she told me to confess!! What was there to confess...i did no wrong. She ask if i had a boyfriend. I told her yes,...but he was in UITM dungun(the guy's number plate started with a 'K'). And she said "who knows..u might have done it with some other guy". What do u think im a whore???? Sangat kurang ajar. She asked if i pray, if i wear tudung. What does that have to do with the issue? Even if u do wear tudung, if u want to sleep around, u will do it. It wont hamper ur desire. Correct? She told me one of the cleaning lady told her and she will believe the cleaning lady more as she's been working for years at the college.(kunun la org tua tak menipu, but does she know that org tua kdg2 rabun?)
The principal and the ppl from the office came over my room the next day. Checked everything. So i let them. I had nothing to hide anyway. Thank god my sejadah was lying on the floor. They made a sarcastic remark "ni solat dari tadi subuh ke?"(i dont usually fold my telekung..DULU.)
I seriously couldnt stand it. The rumors had been spread all over. Seniors would look oddly towards me. I was so scared that it would spread to the boys(laki sini mulot mcm P*ki Ayam). I finally went to see my mentor Dr Yati. She told me to write a letter to the principal stating the chronology of what i did on that day..and state the people who were with me as witnesses. I even asked for my bagpipe lecturer for his signature as a proof of my presence during that class. And since then i never heard anything about the case. They finally shut up. Before i sent the letter, i already told the principal that i wanted to write a letter to her. And she said "klo kamu tak bersalah knp harus kamu defend diri?" OHHH MYYY GODDD,....ive been accused of things i didnt do...and she's telling me that i shouldnt defend myself? Dr Yati also adviced me to make acquaintance with the cleaning ladies, therefore they will get to know me better. Maybe part of it was my fault because i wasnt that close to them.
But guess what? i am now bonding with makcik M. During the incident i confronted her. I asked if she was the one who thought the 'ghaib girl' was me? she denied. I can see from her eyes that she was scared. Nvm..i forgive her. Recently she was having a tummy ache. Gave her my remaining medicine from my tummy ache i had few weeks ago. Dia bagi api..kita bagi air..
Monday, April 6, 2009
Mood Swing
i think so. Once in a blue moon. I dont usually go thru this ugly attitude.
im so sorry for those who have to bear with me. Well...for the past 3days je.
Especially Sedo. Im so sorrrryyyyy. I ignored u when u talked to me, showed my palm when u tried to talk to me, made faces, talked back, i fought back until u 'white flag urself', i scolded u....*sigh* whats happening to me?
i think so. Once in a blue moon. I dont usually go thru this ugly attitude.
im so sorry for those who have to bear with me. Well...for the past 3days je.
Especially Sedo. Im so sorrrryyyyy. I ignored u when u talked to me, showed my palm when u tried to talk to me, made faces, talked back, i fought back until u 'white flag urself', i scolded u....*sigh* whats happening to me?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Tnb's Annual Dinner
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Pasha oh Pasha
Am currently in love with Ungu's 'Tercipta Untukku' new version feat Rossa.
Very slow..longlai...but feel habisssssss. It was used as a soundtrack for Ayat-Ayat Cinta(never seen it)..that explains everything(slow and all). Anyway...Ira loves Tercipta Untukku original version. Wait till she hears this one. Said the song is purrrfectlyyy for a wedding vow. Correct. Too romantic. nye best nye KALAU....eheheheh dream ONNNNN. Enjoy
Very slow..longlai...but feel habisssssss. It was used as a soundtrack for Ayat-Ayat Cinta(never seen it)..that explains everything(slow and all). Anyway...Ira loves Tercipta Untukku original version. Wait till she hears this one. Said the song is purrrfectlyyy for a wedding vow. Correct. Too romantic. nye best nye KALAU....eheheheh dream ONNNNN. Enjoy
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