Finally….i had a date with Mr Hooka. And im pretty much content. Went to Alor Star with Muncit(paly),sedo,fety and ipah. It was prolly our last outing as a student. I had a great time. Gonna miss all the fun time together.
Ipah became the main target. She’s still not over her x-bf(jerk ass). It’s a love hate story for her. Anyway..they bombarded her with many Qs…lasty she erupted. She’s pissed that he had given hopes to her. Some more she claimed that she lost her x-bf of 6yrs just because of this jerk . This jerk happens to be sedo’s roomie. So I told her that was her choice…cant blame this guy entirely. The others were like ‘relax la…irna lagi byk harapan org tu bg..tp tetap cool’. I would be lying if I said that it didn’t hurt. Who wouldn’t be hurt? But its how u handle the problem. Don’t think about it too much. Let it go. The boys as always will try to influence my mind. But I go for what I believe. People will always keep on talking…and You..well u have to keep on nodding as if u conceded.
Sedo was being papa-juwi towards ipah. She retaliated by asking this one big Q. THEY actually asked sedo if sedo likes me. What the fudge??? Ok so it wasn’t only sedo who was being attacked. I just played along je. When people take it on u…just play along. Right? I admit sedo and I are close. But I take him(him too) as a friend. He’s like a pengganti for anand. Tak kesah la org nak ckp ape. Why I like befriending sedo:
1) He’s not one of those typical malay guys who are gatal gile mengenyam.
2) He’s not murahan.
3) I consider him as a gentleman(never have I heard him condemning his x-gf who cheated on him before).
4) He gives good advices.
5) Never take advantages.
6)He listens to my problems.
7) Not stingy.
8)Not a typical kelantanese.
9)Always on a happy2 mode(can tease him all u want and he will always smile/laugh)
10) Condemns me all the time.
11) Smart
Anyway, I cherish friendship. Wonderful friends are for eternity. Same goes to Boyfriend..but only if ur a wonderful one. Smileeeeeee
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