Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Put the blame on ME

Talking bout failed relationships, my friend and i once came across this issue. Anyway, he said instead of blaming the other half, why not put the blame on ourselves. Look at ourselves and discover our own flaws. As for him, well he thinks that he doesnt have the looks compared to others. Looks really matters. It does. Who doesnt want good looking gf/bf.
Last 2days i went to buy my contact lenses. The abg was very nice to my mom. He's married with 2 kids. Anyway, my mom was asking about the other guy(his colleague). Unfortunately his engagement was called off. The girl prolly found a more good looking man. So this abg was like 'kak, klo nak ikotkan saya muak tgk muka isteri saya hari2, tp kita kena fikir klo kita sakit, dh tua, sapa nak jaga kita'. So yeah, being loyal is very much indeed vital. But i told myself 'mampus ko klo isteri ko dgr'. :P Tapi laki mcm ni la yang kita perempuan nak. SEDAR DIRI.
And my flaws are.....MAYBE im too lenient. Easily deceived. Never learn mistakes from my previous relationships.


  1. Blame yourself? Why should anybody be blamed? (unless it's the case of cheating partners) There's no need to blaming anyone. Sometimes it's just not meant to be. Things happen for a reason. Maybe a failed relationship failed to make way for a better relationship. Think about that :)
