Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Characteristics of my DREAM Hubby

So here are some of the characteristics of my dream hubby. And when i say 'dream', you dont expect the guy to be real right...dream doang koqqqqq~!! :)

1)-Must have a face like Gunawan.
Thats rite...i'd go for Asians. Not the badminton player Gunawan! The Hikmah Gunawan.
Very Sophisticated looking man with glasses. Ganteng~!

2)-Must never consume rice!!
I dont eat rice, i despise rice, so yea, a guy who loves rice is the last person that i would want to marry to:P. Call me crazy but thats just me. Cant live with it.

3)-Football hater
Don't u think once guys are into football they get very obsessed? ahhh..wouldnt it be nice seeing ur hubby not watching football and just spend the whole day with you? Yes i know that is very unlikely! As i said..this is only a dream hubby.

4)-Bear huggable
You dont need to have six pacts. You just gotta be huggable coz ill be needing that hugs every single minute. So a body like Bam Samsons would be nice...agagagag

I need a guy who doesnt pretend in what ever he does. A guy who acts naturally.
A guy who is actually being himself. A guy who can fart-burp fart-burp all he wants in front of me without going to the bathroom to do so. Make it more interesting if he is willing to burp-compete me. eheheheh

6)-Hooka Partner
The guy doesnt have to smoke shisha to be my hooka partner. He just needs to accompany me when ever i date Mr. Hooka. I will love u till the end :)


  1. This is just your DREAM guy right? meaning he doesn't exist. gonna have to settle for the next best thing. hehehe.

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