Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I once came through this article on the role of wife and mother in Islam. Anyway, a man(who's married) first priority must be:

1)his mother
2)mother in law
3)his father
4)his father in law
5)his wife

And its the other way around for wife. So future wifey must bear with this. But look at the bright sight, when u become a mother, u'll be ur babies' first priority :).


  1. hmmmm.... yea i know. i guess i don't mind as long as my hubby takes perfect good care and gives me ample attention whenever i need it. heheh. mana i nak cari laki macam tu haaa? yang tak tiba2 decide to change his feelings tengah2 bercinta??? i tunggu prince charming jatuh dari langit je laaa. LOLOLOL :p

  2. relax beb...everytime Allah takes away that very special person from means that he has another plan for us...better prince charming perhaps??? :) amin amin!!

  3. hmmm.. in a way, i don't like this.. because

    a) let's say a decision has to be made about their family.. say what school the kids should go to.. does this mean his parents and his wife's parents' opinion matter more than his wife's opinion? and..
    b) so if his mom tak suke his wife and tells him to divorce her, he should just go ahead and follow what mommy says? wtf?

    Sorry, but I think the wife should be top priority. I'm not saying the parents are not important. Isteri pun harus la pentingkan parents, jangan la tak kasi suami balik kampung ker aper ker.. But once ur married, u have ur own family to think about.. u know? Coz "rules" like that just makes way for evil mother-in-laws to take over the world. huhuhu.

  4. no no no..Islam is all about equality. It has been stated that if a mother forced their son/daugh to get a divorce, she will not get to 'cium syurga'. Ill explain to u in person :D its too complicated
